Job Stress in New Nurses During the Transition Period an Integrative Review
"Success is non final, failure is non fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." —Winston Churchill
New nurses must achieve myriad milestones. Most new nurses breathe a commonage sigh of relief upon passing their licensure exam. Yet, this period of jubilation leads to the next milestone, which includes securing i's first position and and then embarking on the transition from newly licensed nurse through the transition. This transition—which is somewhat akin to a rite of passage—may be smooth sailing for some, something akin to mountain climbing for others, and somewhere in between these two extremes for the majority. No affair where you fall, in that location are many strategies that you can undertake to facilitate your transition from novice to experienced nurse.
Securing a position in a supportive workplace will certainly serve you well; nevertheless, even if weather are not optimal, there are sure things you tin exercise to brand things amend. Follow these strategies to ease your transition into the workplace.
Engage in Self-Care
Nursing is a rewarding profession, withal it can as well exist quite stressful. Consequently, cocky-care is extremely beneficial. It's important to get adequate rest, diet, and exercise. Other self-care strategies might include deep animate and relaxation, yoga, meditation, aromatherapy, or journaling.
Utilize Crucial Conversations
Equally nurses we accept no problem advocating for our patients, but information technology's much harder advocating for i's self. According to a 2009 study published in Disquisitional Intendance Nursing Quarterly, 77% of nurses experienced disrespectful conversations but only 7% confronted the private. Following the eight steps of Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High can be quite helpful when dealing with challenging situations such as bullying or against a preceptor who is non existence very helpful. These include:
- Go unstuck (assess the problem).
- Start with heart (identify what is holding you lot back).
- Larn to look (discover behaviors; place stressors).
- Brand it safe (respect personal infinite, employ effective communication).
- Main my stories (stick to the facts; see both sides of issue).
- State my path (tell your story; be persuasive not annoying).
- Explore others' paths (compromise if possible).
- Move to action (develop a positive activity plan).
Post-obit these steps may not solve all bug, but they practise offer a systematic, practical style to address hard situations.
Use Effective Written and Verbal Communication Skills
Y'all learned about therapeutic communication in your nursing programs, so exist sure to utilize constructive and professional verbal, non-verbal, and written communications. Ofttimes, misunderstandings occur because of miscommunication. Social media policies should also be followed. Other communication strategies include:
- Be a good listener;
- Avoid jargon;
- Speak conspicuously;
- Be enlightened of tone, rate, and cadency;
- Analyze and restate;
- Ever reread your messages before sending;
- Pay attention to grammar and spelling.
Seek Out a Mentor
Mentors play a vital role in an individual'southward professional person and personal life. Co-ordinate to Fast Facts for Career Success in Nursing: Making the Most of Mentoring in a Nutshell, a mentor is someone who connects with and develops a reciprocal relationship with a protege and offers back up and guidance. Finding a mentor tin be challenging and requires ane to exist proactive and consider what one hopes to find in a mentor. You should approach the particular person with a formal request and a articulate set of expectations.
Be an Advocate for Yourself and Your Patients
Patient advocacy comes natural to most of us; however, cocky-advocacy can be difficult. As a new nurse you will face some challenges and will need to learn cocky-efficacy, self-advocacy, empowerment, and resiliency. You tin complete a resiliency quiz at Learning the eight steps of "crucial conversations" tin can besides exist helpful to apply when advocating for yourself and addressing issues such equally bullying, workload, preceptors, and piece of work environment. Your mentor can besides offer guidance.
Improve Your Time Management and Organizational Skills
Peradventure one of the biggest challenges new nurses face is learning how to improve fourth dimension management and organizational skills. As a new nurse information technology tin can be very easy to get overwhelmed as you leave the prophylactic net of your instructors and are expected to manage more patients. Beingness punctual and setting the tone for the twenty-four hours will help go on y'all on rails. Donna M. White, LMHC, CACP, recommends the post-obit strategies to help you improve your time management skills:
- Create a "to exercise" listing;
- Plant deadlines;
- Avoid multitasking;
- Delegate;
- Advantage yourself.
Develop Goals and Objectives
Developing daily, weekly, and even monthly goals is a great way to assist you transition into your professional practice office. These goals can include a variety of topics. For example, you may include goals for improving time management, self-intendance, cocky-advancement or clinical skills, critical thinking, and problem solving. A template for developing weekly transition goals tin be found in my book, The Nurse Professional: Leveraging Your Education for Transition into Do. When developing goals, you should also develop a five-year plan to aid guide you through your transition and beyond.
In summary, the transition into professional person practice tin can be challenging; however, there are strategies you tin employ to help ease your transition.
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